Public Gardens Listing: UCI Arboretum (Irvine, CA)
While balcony container gardeners enjoy their small-space urban gardens, sometimes a few container plants on an apartment balcony above a busy street just isn’t peaceful enough. Balcony gardeners might not be able to have a peaceful, large garden, but there are public gardens and arboretums near every major city. Don’t just fawn over pictures of luxurious gardens, get out there and enjoy a day at a public garden! You may even bring some gardening inspiration home to your own balcony container garden.
If you live in or are visiting the Irvine, Calif., area, why not visit University of California, Irvine Arboretum
- This 12.5-acre botanical garden and arboretum is a part of the University of California, Irvine, opened in the late 1960s as a part of the School of Biological Sciences as a research and education facility.
- The UCI Arboretum has a special emphasis on plants native to California’s Floristic Province (where the arboretum is located) and South African plant species.
- The special collections of the arboretum include Baja California, Channel Islands, Native Grasslands and Wildflowers, Maritime Succulent Shrub, Mojave Desert, Southern Maritime Chaparral, Otay Mesa, Oak Woodland, Southern African Bulb Bed and an impressive aloe collection.
- Check the website for the UCI Arboretum’s event calendar, which includes plant sales and classes.
UCI Arboretum Quick Info
(949) 824-5833
Campus Drive, Irvine, CA 92660
Entrance is free
Open 9am to 3pm Tuesday through Saturday. Closed on holidays recognized by the state of California.