
How to Grow and Care for Bell Peppers in Containers

Bell pepper Capiscum annuum

Intro: Bell peppers, or sweet peppers, have a delicious thick skin and seeds, and come in gorgeous bright colors: red, yellow, orange and green. There are differences in taste and content when it comes to the color of the bell pepper: Green peppers are more bitter, and red peppers have more vitamins and nutrients (they contain lycopene, more carotene and twice the amount of vitamin C than green). These beautiful pepper plants are easy to care for and do well in small plant containers in urban kitchen gardens. Bell pepper plants will add vibrant color to your balcony garden.


How to Grow and Care for Creeping Thyme in Containers

Creeping thyme Thymus serpyllum

Intro: Creeping thyme is a low-growing aromatic herb that can be used as ground cover or as a small display plant in containers. It grows in a low, tight and dense mat that will creep along the potting soil until it runs out of space to grow. Grow it in a small plant container, such as a coffee cup as decoration on a bistro table, or use it to cover any exposed potting soil below a tall, thin plant, such as a tree. Creeping thyme will bloom with many tiny purple flowers that will attract pollinators to your balcony container garden. Other varieties can display pink flowers.


How to Grow and Care for Carrots in Containers

Carrot Daucus carota

Intro: The carrot is a delicious container plant perfect for small-space kitchen gardens. The carrot plant does well in cooler temperatures and survive frosts when planted in the ground (but probably not in above-ground plant containers), but the carrot does best when temperatures range between 55 and 75 degrees. There are many varieties of carrots, and you can get smaller kinds that grow well in plant containers, such as Parmex, Oxheart or Little Finger. Containers for growing carrots should be at least 1 foot deep.


Five Easy Container Plants

Try these five easy plants in your home or outside in the garden. Even if you have a black thumb, you can still succeed with zinnia flowers, golden pothos, African violet flowers, spider plants and croton.


How to Grow and Care for the Dill Plant in Containers

Dill plant

Intro: Dill is an herb closely related to parsley – it looks similar and has the same kind of flower heads. Dill’s tiny white to yellow flowers bloom together in what looks like a small umbrella. Dill plants have tall foliage (2 to 3 feet tall) and long taproots, so they need a large plant container in the kitchen garden. Dill leaves are used to give dill pickles their flavor, and it tastes great in soups, salads, potatoes and many more dishes.


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