Tips for Growing Orchid Flowers
Orchids are beautiful flowers that you can grow in indoor gardens. Their blooms can last up to four months and come in all colors and sizes. Easy orchid varieties can be found for just a few dollars at your local garden shop. When starting off with orchid flowers, begin with a less expensive variety, and then move on to the more delicate and more interesting specimens. If you follow the following steps, you should be successful with your first orchid flower.
Plant it correctly. Orchids are different from many other of the container plants we keep. It is an epiphyte, meaning that it grows on another plant and not in potting soil. An orchid will not do well in soil – instead it should be planted in a peat mixture. Find some "orchid" mix at your local garden center and use that. Your orchid will also need to be potted in a plastic container, which will then be placed inside of a decorative plant container. Orchids are often displayed in baskets, but their inner plastic containers can be placed in any other kind of container.
Spike sticks and clips. Orchid flowers grow on long stems. Typically orchid-growers will place bamboo sticks in the orchid’s container and use small inconspicuous clips to clip the flower spikes to the bamboo sticks. This structure supports the flower spikes and displays the flower nicely.
Bright light. Orchids to best in bright indirect light. Place your flower next to a southern-facing window.
Warmth. Make sure that your orchid isn’t exposed to any drafts. Air from a window or a vent can dry out the orchid plant and kill it.
Humidity. Keep your the flower's container on a humidity tray (a tray with rocks and water) and/or spray its leaves (never the flower itself) each morning with water. Distilled water works best, as tap water will leave a white film that will build up on the leaves. Wipe the leaves once a month to remove dust and any film buildup.
Moving air. Although some hardier orchid plants will do fine without moving air, orchids will do best if kept underneath a fan that provides gentle air movement. You can also purchase a small fan for about $10 from your local Target and keep that blowing on the plant at all times. Other indoor plants will benefit from a fan, as well, as stagnant air can lead to plant disease and garden pests.
Drenching once a week. Choose a day where you tend to your indoor plants. On this day, water your orchid flower. Take the orchid plant to the kitchen sink and drench it with water. Let all of the excess water drain out of the bottom of the container, and then place the plant back in its spot.
Repot. Repot your orchid every other year or whenever it becomes too root-bound. Orchids do well with little potting material and little space, so you should not have to repot your orchid until it is several years old.
Cut flower stalks. After the orchid flower blooms wilt and fall off, cut the flower spikes and let the orchid rest. After flowers die, your orchid may grow another leaf or two until it blooms again.