General Gardening

Stunted Plant Growth with Low Light

Zinnia flower grown in low lightUnfortunately, many apartment gardeners have low light in their balcony gardens. You may have low light and still want to grow beautiful flowers that require high light. Unfortunately, you will be disappointed with your container plants if you can’t provide them with the correct conditions. Plants that require a lot of sun will look scraggly, less full and will grow slower when kept in shade. 


Pros and Cons of 5 Types of Plant Pots

Terra cotta plant potsThere are a lot of different kinds of plant pots and containers available. Plastic plant pots are great for apartment gardens on balconies because they're cheap, light-weight, durable and attractive. You can get creative with the plant containers you use - they don't need to come from your local garden shop.


Tyler Weaver's Composting Tips

Tyler Weaver CrazyAboutCompost.comIn a recent interview with, Tyler Weaver from and gave some tips for composting in small-space balcony container gardens.

Learn more about Tyler Weaver and his quest to save the world one composter at a time.


Tips for Growing Plants in Strawberry Pots

Strawberry PotsA lot of people have difficulty growing plants in strawberry pots. They will often not have enough space in the pockets to grow plants, they will dry out quickly, and dirt may fall out. If you can find the right strawberry pot, then these containers are great for balcony gardens – they will allow you to grow many different kinds of plants (not just strawberries!) in a small amount of space.


FAQs About Gardening in the Shade

Caladium bicolorQuestion: I was thinking of getting flowers for my apartment patio, but my patio is on the ground floor and does not get much light. Any suggestions? See answer>>


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